Woodworking blog.
Armchair Complete
I'm pleased to present this final report for the making of "Armchair 2". This week I'm applying the finish and wrapping the seat.
Arm Shaping and Assembly
One of the most interesting parts of making a chair is the arms. This week I shape and assemble both arms to complete the chair assembly.
The Crest Rail
If there is only one part in the back of a chair, is it still called a crest rail? Whatever it's called, this is how I made it.
Back Splats
WARNING: If you thought my previous posts were a bit technical, fasten your safety belts. This one's a doozy. If technical stuff isn't your thing, I hope you'll stick around and enjoy the pictures; they tell most of the story...
Ancient Forest
Taking a break from my chair making journey, it was time for a walk in the woods.
Vidar's Chair Taking Shape
I've been learning so many new skills in the last five weeks, that it's almost a surprise to see the chair begin to take shape.
First Assembly
Since the last chair making journey post, I've made good progress on the back assembly.
Joinery and Shaping
After mortising the legs, this chair making journey continues with more joinery and shaping of the parts.
Mortising the Legs
The chair making journey continues as I learn an interesting system for cutting mortises into the side of the curved back legs.
The Chair Making Begins
Monday, last week, was the first day of my return to Inside Passage School of Fine Cabinetmaking for this chair making journey.
Chair Making Journey
I've been making furniture for some time now, but hidden in the wooded landscape has been a challenge, silently waiting. What is it?