“It strikes me, a highly impatient person, how patience, persistence, and requiring perfection pay off with a chair that not only invites us to sit, but seduces the eye to study and admire its grace. Thanks for the lesson.”
This chair embodies an interesting dichotomy: its lines are simple, but its creation required a specifically fine eye to shape the parts and carefully fit the joinery. The result is a delicately refined aesthetic supported by physical strength.
This chair is designed to be used for “active upright sitting,” rather than for lounging or relaxation. It is the result of an investigation of the various uses of chairs, and the understanding that each harbors a unique purpose.
Primary influencers of this piece were “Vidar's Chair,” designed by Swedish furniture maker Vidar Malmsten around 1970, as well as Scandinavian designs of the modern era and that which influenced them.
This piece was awarded “Best-in-Show” at the 2013 Northern Woods Exhibition in Eden Prairie, Minnesota and was supported by a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board.
Materials Locally grown black walnut and Danish cord
Finish Oil and resin blend
Dimensions 18 1/4" deep x 22" wide x 28 1/8" tall
Status This piece resides in the customer’s Minnesota home