Woodworking blog.
Top Fitting and Surface Prep
This week, the "Child of the Hunter" coffee table moves into the final surface preparation stage.
Bracket Mortises
The brass brackets that will be used for mounting the top to the "Child of the Hunter" coffee table get mortised in this week's episode.
The Final Coffee Table Glue-up
This week, preparations are underway for the final glue-up on the Child of the Hunter coffee table.
Woodwork | Metalwork
The year-end holidays were a bit of a distraction for the coffee table project, but I forged ahead undaunted.
A Week of Miscellany
This week I worked a variety of tasks on the "Child of the Hunter" coffee table.
Shaping and First Assembly
This week, it's time to get into shaping the legs and curved end stretchers for the "Child of the Hunter" coffee table. And, who knows, I might even get around to the first glue-up.
Mortise & Tenon Joinery
It's time for some joinery on the "Child of the Hunter" coffee table.
Child of the Hunter
The next project is fully underway. This piece will be a natural edge coffee table in black walnut.